Cuttle Inc
Weekly Illustration Group

Them #22: Monster

Monday, July 19, 2010

Theme: Monster
Deadline: 18 July 2010
Punishment: TBA
Status: ACTIVE

As usual, come back to this space after the deadline to see the finished works! :D
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Theme #21: Clouds

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Theme: Clouds
Deadline: 14 July 2010
Punishment: None


Inspired by Shaun Tan

-- Submitted by Daphne

Lady Buddha

Title: Lady Buddha
Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes (including research)
Software: Photoshop CS3

LOL! I kinda did it a bit in the afternoon then i forgot about it until 10pm. Luckily I remembered.

I've been practicing drawing chicks for the past few days. So that's how I created her. But I still can't believe I was thinking of Buddha while drawing then. This wat comes out! As you can see her features (costume) & posture is inspired by the 'Sleeping Buddha'. Hope I don't get punished for doing this. XP

-- Submitted by Y'ng

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Theme #20: Skull

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Theme: Skull
Deadline: 30 June 2010
Punishment: Flower
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Kelly, Natasha, Reeis


Back to the basics of illustration. I have an idea. I hope I'll still remember it by the next Cuttle submission.

2 hours with triceratops reference

-- Submitted by Daphne


*Note: Another last minute work*

I was about 8 or 9 years old back then, we had a black baby bunny as a pet. We named it "Xiao Hei" (direct translation = little black) because of its black fur. Big sis and i will feed it and play with it everyday, let it run freely in our garden, watch it munch carrots and vege sticks.... Unfortunately after a few months, little black left us T.T We didnt know its cause of death. We watch it die helplessly, didnt know what to do....

That was ages ago, but little black will always remain in our memories....

--Submitted by May Hooi

Skull and Raven

A Raven and a skull. Open for interpretation.

This was more of an analytical study assignment of the human skull, and also practicing my sketching.
I've lost touch. *sob*

--Submitted by Sara

Skull Mug

Title: Skull Mug
Duration: 1 hour 50 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

Gah! Could hv finish a lil earlier but was having lots of difficulty with the red wine. Oh well, it's done! Anybody wants a drink? XD

-- Submitted by Y'ng

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Theme #19: Chaos

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Theme: Chaos
Deadline: 16 June 2010
Punishment: Ink
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Natasha, Kelly, Reeis, Sara


Just a one-shot of a Chaos Theory.

I really like that red. Will probably use it again. Hehe.

--Submitted by Daphne


Well... didn't have much time to "draw" anything (plus, i cant think of what to draw for this theme) so what i created a chaotic scribble!! Instead of scribbling using pen or pencil...i did it with the mouse hehe ^^

--Submitted by May Hooi

My Chaotic!

Title: My Chaotic!
Duration: 35 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

This theme is super hard! This is wat only my mind could visualize. Extreme sketchiness & it's drawn spontaneously. Watever comes up in mind, i just draw on the spot. I know it's messy but that's wat you get when my mind goes chaotic aka nuts! XD

--Submitted by Y'ng

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Theme #18: Tranquility

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Theme: Tranquility
Deadline: 2 June 2010
Punishment: Demon
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Natasha, Reeis

:An - W.I.P:

Translated - tranquility. Did something different from my usual style again XD wanted do something chinese so yea.

Another w.i.p due to i have job to rush, dont think i can color it just yet. Only managed to sketch it. Will try my best to color it when i get catch some time XD

--Submitted by Kelly


...or "I hung the moon for you tonight"

I felt this subject to be a bit broad and had different ideas throughout the two weeks. Two hours before this I thought of something this, and so it came to be.

It also reminded me of long ago when I got a comment on how sweet a moment I made in my old comics to have the couple characters just sitting together quietly instead of having a kissy moment :P

Photoshop - 50 minutes

--Submitted by Daphne


A very tough topic @_@

But anyway, the only thing i could think of is a peaceful sleep... *yawn* ZZzzzzz...
So there u go :p

It's pretty last minute because i had no idea what to draw!!!!

--Submitted by May Hooi

Sea of Peace

Title: Sea of Peace
Duration: 30 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

Sorry guys! Again I forgot! LOL! I only knew the deadline at 11pm! So at first I don't plan to pass up for this theme since it was really, really late.

Suddenly my conscience decided to challenge me for a 30 minute speed-painting for this theme. Took me like 15 minutes to get my ass up to take the challenge.

And here's the result. I know it's a lil messy but my 30 minutes was up. So yeah. ^^;

--Submitted by Y'ng


Interpret in your own way.

--Submitted by Sara

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Theme #17: Colours

Thursday, May 06, 2010
Theme: Colours
Deadline:19 May 2010
Punishment: Meteor
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Natasha.


Dainen receives the odd payment for graffiti work he did for a nearby store.... As you can see he seems quite happy with it XP More colour coordination madness coming your way!

Been quite busy travelling this week. You can ask Kell why I'm dead tired because I'm lacking internet at the moment to tell you so myself =D

2 1/2 hours - Flash, spray splatters in Ps.

-- Submitted by Daphne


As you can see, Im going for a different approach for my art these time (cos i really dont know what to do with this theme & I have alot of classes to attend to etc etc @A@)-->>alot of excuses NOT!! XDXD

Was inspired by computer arts so tempted to give it a try & Voila~!

Done in Illustrator & Photoshop. Enjoy :)

-- Submitted by Kelly


I love colours. simple as that :)

-- Submitted by Sara


As you can see... the drawing doesn't relate to the theme "colours". In fact, it is the colours that i used and the colouring technique that counts xD (haha tricky isn't it?)
If you look carefully, this drawing is coloured using 100% colour pencil (yayy i love colour pencils!) and under each colour is a mixture of various odd colours. (you won't get this kind of effect if u are using a different tone of the same colour) What i did was blending odd colours, like light green + light blue + grey, blue + dark red + purple ......etc
(colours might not be as nice as the original piece on paper because when i scanned the drawing, the colour turned out to be less rich D: this drawing has been photoshopped to enhance the colours)

-- Submitted by May Hooi

Colourful Balloons

Title: Colourful Balloons
Duration: 50 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

Super sorry that I've been doing super last minute work for cuttle nowadays. Since now it's been extended for 2 weeks, I keep forgetting the deadlines.

Again another speed-painting work for another simple image. Heehee! Totally got no time to think also. Ah well, at least it's on time. XD

-- Submitted by Y'ng

Rainy (Work in Progress)

Haha, this is my take on Innaguy's very own femme fatale.

Name's Rainy Leong, younger sister to Reeis's old high school friend, Scy.
Lots of drama going on between her, Griever, Scy and Reeis. To be revealed soon.

Colours here supposed to mean team colours, as in the jersey players wear. Can also say this chick's true colours la - tried my best to give her a sweet face, but killer attitude.

Look closely at the scoreboard, she just took the other team to the slaughterhouse.

Yes, artwork has NO colors cos I've lost time again this week and PC's still hanging. GAH.

@ Sara, Nat & Sook - whaddya think? Was this what you guys had in mind?

-- Submitted by Reeis

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Theme #16: Spring

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Theme: Spring
Deadline: 5 May 2010
Punishment: Lion
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Kelly, Maiki, Natasha
Status: COMPLETED's all about colours~~ so there u go, a colourful piece! :D

-- Submitted by May Hooi

I was going for something realistic... hopefully I've achieved it to some extent. Had a few ideas for spring, mostly to do with the starting of the season (which I find funny because I'm currently experiencing the middle of autumn).

The lighting's not *quite* there yet, but I think you'd be able to see the dimensions of each object in the image.

Total time taken about 3 hours. Painting large files is painful =D

Because I actually quite liked the details I did on this one. Please appreciate at full view XD

-- Submitted by Daphne

Title: Spring Day
Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

Waah! I almost forgot today is the submission! Must thank Daphne for asking. Thanks Daph! Since time is really strict for me these past few weeks, I decided to do a simple speed painting artwork for this theme.

Took longer than i expected for such simple image. Made a lot of changes for the tree cuz I couldn't get the cherry blossom right. Oh well...

There's no story behind this artwork. This is all i could visualize with the theme. The dogs are just random. But anyways, it's done. So YAY! XD

-- Submitted by Y'ng

Signora di Primavera

I decided to draw a humanized form of Spring, called Signora di Primavera (Lady of Spring)

Will re-do when I do have the time (and the proper skills)

Illustrator CS4,
Approx 1 1/2 hours.

-- Submitted by Sara

The result of my experimentation with Painter 11.

Should be renamed "Gay Mountaineer Discovers Last Surviving Weed Post Global Warming"

Like the textures, don't like much else.
Short description, PC hanging like a dead fish.

If you want to comment, just try coming up with lame titles.
Go ahead, make me laugh XD

-- Submitted by Reeis

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Theme #15: In-A-Guy

Thursday, April 08, 2010

!!IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!! deadline has been pushed to 21st of April, 2010. From this theme onwards, Cuttle Inc members will have to submit work once every two weeks, instead of every week. Thanks!

Theme: In-A-Guy
Deadline: 21 April 2010
Punishment: No punishment for this week, yay!
Status: ACTIVE


In-A-Guy is based on an idea that our members came up for a comic story during Uni. It's based on ourselves only in the opposite gender. The girls in the group are guys in the story and vice-versa. For this week's theme, all cuttles have to draw their own In-A-Guy's character. Yup, just your OWN character in any pose with their NAMES. Like a cool poster! Do describe about your opposite self too in the explanation. XD

Girl cuttles, draw your guy side:
Yin - Reeis
Sara - Griever
Izzati - Maiki
Y'ng - Reign
Nat - Nox
Daphne - Dainen
Kelly - Kenny
May - Man Hou

Guy cuttles, draw your girlie side:
Adam - Audreya
Andrew - Andrea

Have fun with this XD I know some of u will!! X3

Reign Law

Title: Reign Law
Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

This is Reign Law (my male alter ego).

He's the twin brother of Reeis Law. Being the eldest twin, thus making him the oldest child in the family. Reign is known as your perfect kind of guy that everyone wants to be: Good looks, hardworking, smart, friendly, kind, all-rounder, cool, outgoing, well... i think you know the rest. XD

Sadly, behind this perfect guy, there's always a darker side. Reign struggles a lot with his inner self, either trying hard not to fail his family or chasing his dreams. People expects a lot from him, therefore pressuring him to be someone that he was not. Because of his selfless attitude, he dare not rebel against his parents wishes.

Reign always dreams to be a concept artist & comic artist ever since he was a kid. These inspiration came from his love of gaming & reading manga. But because he was the eldest child, he feels that he need to take responsibility for his family. So he was forced to cast his dreams aside just to please his parents.

However, halfway during uni, he finally got the guts to tell his parents that he hv decided to chase his dreams instead. Although he knew it was going to be a long road for him, but he strongly believe that he get there eventually.

Reign gets along well with anyone. He's easy to talk to & confront when you have a problem. Simply because he's an honest person & never takes advantage of anyone.

The bad side of him is... he's a freakin' workaholic (overly passionate with his work) & obsessive esp when he sets his mind on something. Although he presents great works but sometimes goes overboard with his perfectionism. ^^;

-- Submitted by Y'ng


Kenny @ Rain - my twin bro. Obviously hes the eldest in da family heheheh.
He has what most girls would dream off~ Charm, personality, style, skills, charisma etc etc. One heck of a hiphop & bboy dude & LOVES to fight over food with his lil sis :ME!!: (damn annoying)

Hes a playboy at times XP but girls are still crazy for him - sweet talker~!

*Hey! wait! wut?! Thats MY LOLLIPOP!! KENNY!!!*

:Th3 3nD:

-- Submitted by Kelly


My "In A Guy" character XP full name, Noxandus, nickname Nox :D

He's hyper, crazy and fun. Yet girls aren't interested in him no matter how hard he tries, thus little kids find him very amusing. He is a slacker and a free spirit. Very laid back and is always the target for trouble. Deep down he's a good guy, but he usually gets misunderstood coz of his bad boy look. He also has an obsession of keeping his mustache as it is and is very reluctant to shave it off.

Nox shares an appartment with Kenny and Dainen, his two best buddies. And is a shadow to his cousin Griever who seems to get the girls most of the time no matter how oblivious he is.

Overall Nox is the joker among the gang, yet apart from being loud and sociable, he can have his moments of being a lone wolf at times. The rest is plain crazy XD

-- Submitted by Natasha

Get Up.

THIS version of the fellow is like the guy version of me. He's part of a comic called In-A-Guy that my Uni friends and I made out of boredom one fine day.
All the girls became guys in the comic, and vice versa.

Actually, came up with the character in high school, friends started calling me Reeis in real life and it stuck =) Drew him here settling some old scores as I'm in a pretty foul mood today. Feeling better.

Reeis Law is 2nd brother 5 siblings of a mostly normal family in a hardly normal story set in home, Malaysia. He is the "evil" twin to the perfect and wonderful~ Reign Law. He was a delinquent in high school, but reformed before hitting University.

He has as many faults as he has strengths.
He is impulsive, brash, undisciplined and critical of himself and others.
He got involved with gangs once upon a time to distract him from his troubles back home. (Long story)

However, he is also passionate, quick witted and truly compassionate. He really tries his very best to help those who need him. Often fails in his schemes and plans, which needs him to improvise on the spot or face the worst. He has learned to turn the his mistakes into lessons to keep others from repeating them. He is now teaching himself to trust himself, others and the world around him more. Learning not to give up too soon.

Worries about money too much. Learned (forced) to be a charming as he joined a pyramid scheme to help pay off his bills to help his parents out. Pretty successful, though hardly has any time left to do anything else.

Strangely, he can get completely lost in reading books, drawing or watching movies.
Entertains friends & teaches younger brothers about life with his special brand of bullsh*t. All this made him really good with words.

I don't share his past of drama or some of his successes as I'm not THAT ballsy.
We do, however, share the same dream : Being rich enough to spend days on end just drawing or writing freely without worrying about bills. Don't have a solid plan yet, but will figure something out. I always do :)

-- Submitted by Reeis


Meet Man Hou, the silly and mischievous fella. As you can see, he is a bunny freak just like me (yes, we are blood related :p)
If u are wondering how he behaves, think about Honey-senpai from Ouran High School haha xD

-- Submitted by May Hooi


This is a representation of Dainen, my lousy twin brother that does nothing but read books and manga everyday. Unfortunately, I can't say much about that because he's really awesome at graffiti art and gets his money to buy what he reads from there (because people here are crazy enough to commission him). In clothing sense, he has absolutely no idea what looking good means and almost always wears clothes that clash. Luckily, this time it wasn't that bad. Unlike myself, he's also really good at blading.

It's a good thing I can always tease him about not being able to pick up girls. He's really bad at getting to know people and often stares at their shoulders instead of eye to eye. Living with Nox and Kenny, he's grown accustomed to more crazy things happening.

**Couldn't find a solution I liked very much so went for simple manga drawing instead. Had a busy 2 weeks too =(

-- Submitted by Daphne

Griever with Sparky and Lucie

This here is Griever de Souza, my male alter ego ;)

Innaguy came about when me and Reeis were sitting in McDonalds, doing some girl-watching. Ta-daa! And innaguy was born.

Griever's real name is Robert (HAHA) and he doesn't really like it, because even with a simple name, he always gets teased with the name "Bob" in primary school. And all the kids would use this dumb accent every time they said "Bob."

So, to hide the shame of his real name, he started to use the name Griever :P why Griever? Well the name Griever was originally from Final Fantasy 8 (which is his 2nd most favourite game BTW), which is a name of a lion. So with that name, he hopes to become as *cough* courageous as a lion one day :3 rawr!

Anyway, long story short, he shares a house with Reeis and Maiki. He has a pet dog named Sparky (who seems to be neglected in this drawing hahaha). Oh, he loves all animals. Here he's pictured with Lucie (short for Lucifer, named by Reeis because Lucie is always evil to Reeis for some reason but nice to Griever hahaha). Griever just gave Lucie a bath too :P hence why her bow tie is on the floor next to him.

He's also related to Nox, who turned out to be his distant cousin. :O

Apart from that, he also loves:
Cooking and baking (lol), doing the laundry (lollll), chocolate (although is embarrassed about it and hides it whenever he can), sleep, sleeping during the rain (the usual scenario is when he takes his laundry out to dry, sees that it starts to rain, says "nuts." puts down his basket and goes to sleep hehehehe.) he also loves good food. if he is quiet during meals, means he approves. :D

He rarely gets mad, he's always smiling or half-smiling a lot. Very quiet unless spoken to.
But he gets annoyed with crowds, which is why he avoids pubs, nightclubs, parties, even concerts sometimes.
But one thing he really can't stand are downright rude and rowdy people.
He is not a morning person. Don't try to wake him. He'll either go back to sleep, or unintentionally beat the crap outta you in his sleep :P

His fallbacks? He can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, in any pose.
He can sometimes have really bad eating habits too :O
And, as much as he says he'd like a girlfriend, he is incredibly oblivious when any girls like him. Even when they come up to him and ask him out LOL. Which annoys everyone else of the guys whose expression doesn't fail to be like this =______=""

-- Submitted by Sara

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Theme #14: Masquerade

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Theme: Masquerade
Punishment: Mouse
Punished: Adam, Andrew, Sara, Maiki, Reeis
Start Date: 30th March 2010
Deadline: 5th April 2010


Because I love owls and cobwebs and pearls and little droplets of water coupled with shiny things....

And because it's been a long week. I think I'm getting better at face shadows though..? Darn ear is too small.

--Submitted by Daphne


Was completely stuck and idea-less when i saw this theme @_@ didn't know what to draw so....TADAAAA!!! this is the outcome xD

(kinda last minute :p)

--Submitted by May Hooi

unknown mask lady

just a thought that came to mind for this week's theme. so there is no story behind this lady actually. yet it didnt quite turn out the way i wanted it to. maybe next time i should try vector art for these kinds of things :s (yeah i did this in photoshop)

have a great week!

--Submitted by Natasha

masquearde - w.i.p

its a work in progress!!

--Submitted by Kelly

The Demoness

Title: The Demoness
Duration: 2 hours
Software: Photoshop CS3

I guess this has to be the most simplest mask you've ever seen right? Oh well, what can I say, I like simple things. The mask design is inspired by the phantom of the opera. If you notice the shape of the mask is from the Yin & Yang.

I really had fun colouring this. It came better than I expected! Maybe the next one, i should try focusing on lighting. That will be my next challenge. XD

--Submitted by Y'ng

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Theme #13: Dreams

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Theme: Dreams
Punishment: Ghost
Punished: Andrew, Maiki
Start Date: 24th March 2010
Deadline: 30th March 2010


I'll call this a sweet sweet dream xD because it's made out of everything sweet (well not 100% of it)
Good night! :3

-- Submitted by May Hooi

my dream

Its my dream, to someday be a director of a featured film. Have my name in the credits of the big screen, while watching the movie with my beloved family and friends. I want them to be proud of me someday, and share the limelight. I want to make a great movie! One that people enjoy and will remember. Maybe someday it will come true. Yet for now, it remains a dream i am slowly climbing for ^ ^

-- Submitted by Natasha

Dream Spirit

Title: Dream Spirit
Duration: 35 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS3

When i saw the word 'Dream', this image immediately came into my mind. I'm not sure whether i should illustrate this but anyways it's done.

Until now, i'm dunno whether it's a guy or a woman. All i know is that it appears a few times in my dreams & it's all in white as you see above. I'm can't remembered how it really looks like but I do know it takes a form of a human. I doubt it's a ghost cuz i feel soothing when I see it so I consider it as some kind of a dream spirit.

This artwork also a test for my speed painting. Yeah, 35 minutes is still bloody long for this simple image. Using only airbrush tool with 30% opacity & 50% flow. XP

-- Submitted by Y'ng


I think this is one of the first caricatures of real people I've done.... It was fun :D

Susan Boyle from Britains Got Talent. I thought her first 'I Dreamed a Dream' rendition was great. Not so the other songs that followed.

4-5 hours Photoshop.
Photo reference for the first 30 minutes >

-- Submitted by Daphne


This is the stuff my dreams are made out of.
♥ ♥ ♥

Approx 2 hours and many tutorials. Illustrator CS4

-- Submitted by Sara


Simple, but i wanted to draw a new style (still looks like the old style tho~)
Going out to someone who's going through a rough time now~
Thing is: "I dream to see her smile again~"

Good luck on your works, ya? We all will support you all the way~! xD

-- Submitted by Adam

Dream of the Endless

Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is Morpheus a.k.a Dream from Neil Gaiman's acclaimed "Sandman" graphic novel series. Long overdue fan art ♥ ♥ ♥

Morpheus's a seriously moody bugger.
You'd think the Sandman would be some colorful dude pouring sand into lil' kiddies.
Nope. This guy means business.
Black kimono with flames at the hem.
Pale skin with eyes like the night sky.
He IS dream, and all dreamers walk in his realm.
He's a just and lonely monarch, and he's Endless - even Gods follow his rule.
Some say he's crueler than Death, his older sister.

Read more here
Morpheus copyright Vertigo, Neil Gaiman, et al.

I've been seriously influenced with Sandman's rich storyline and powerful characters. This series single-handedly changed the way I think and feel about stories.
Now, I dream of creating my own stories one day soon.
May they be as rich and powerful.
May they give my readers the worlds as I found in the Sandman
So, thank you Mr.Gaiman, would like to hang out with you one day XD

-- Submitted by Reeis

:The Dream Reaper:

Dream reaper collects your dream & turns them into nightmare....

(no time to color this so yeah >_< im goin crazy with all d things & meet ups to do~)

-- Submitted by Kelly

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Who Are We?

We are a group of friends who come from a varied background within the Arts & Design field. Cuttle Inc is an illustration group founded by us in hopes to improve our skills.

We produce an illustration each, following a bi-monthly theme. New works will be posted every other Thursday morning.

Theme Of The Week

16/6/2010: Skull

Previous themes:
2/6/2010: Chaos
19/5/2010: Tranquility
5/5/2010: Colours
21/4/2010: Spring
7/4/2010: In-A-Guy. See post for details!
31/3/2010: Masquerade
24/3/2010: Dreams
17/3/2010: Superheroes
10/3/2010: Wings - WITH A TWIST! See post for details.
3/3/2010: Skates
24/2/2010: Melody
10/2/2010: Battle
3/2/2010: Heart
27/1/2010: Charm
20/1/2010: Oops!
13/1/2010: Flight
3/1/2010: Star
27 / 12/ 2009: Black Sheep
20 / 12 / 2009: Innocence


Theme: Skull
Punishment: Flower

Previously punished:
Chaos: Adam, Andrew, Natasha, Reeis, Kelly, Sara
Tranquility: Adam, Andrew, Natasha, Reeis
Colours: Adam, Andrew, Natasha
Spring: Adam, Andrew, Maiki, Natasha, Kelly
In-A-Guy: No punishments for this week!
Masquerade: Adam, Andrew, Maiki, Reeis, Sara
Ghost: Andrew, Maiki
Superheroes: Adam, Andrew, Reeis, Maiki
Wings: Adam, Kelly, Reeis
Skates: Kelly, Adam, Andrew
Melody: Nobody! Wow!
Battle: Nobody! Wow!
Heart: Adam
Charm: Adam
Oops!: Nobody! Wow!
Star: Reeis, Natasha
Black Sheep: Kelly
Flight: Andrew, Reeis, Maiki

Punishments are given out for those who have not met the deadline. Members have to include a random object into their illustration THAT THEY HAD MISSED THE DEADLINE FOR. :)

SO THAT MEANS, only late submissions will carry the punishment. New submissions will not.

Assignment Board

Skull Yard

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